The government is figuring out ways to maintain our economic ______ so that the unemployment rate will go down.
The government is figuring out ways to maintain our economic ______ so that the unemployment rate will go down.
[法學緒論每日一題] 甲因涉嫌犯罪於偵查中遭檢察機關限制出境,則下列何項敘述最為正確?
From a poor family, Joanna has never dreamed of studying abroad because she knows that it would ______.
[法學緒論每日一題] 林丙因殺人遭法院判處死刑確定,下列敘述何者最為正確?
A Chinese doctor's role, in addition to ___ illness when it happens, is to keep a patient healthy.
下列何者不是法律統一用字? 1.復查 2.複驗 3.事跡 4.覆核。
[法學緒論每日一題] 甲是乙公司的人事經理,他為公司招考秘書人員,要求限女性始能應徵。下列何項敘述是最為準確適當的評價?