
目前分類:英銘國考英文周刊 (535)

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今天的英文文法很有意思,基本上可以用文法去分析喔,雖然考的是only to+ V.不過老師在解析裡面也對補充了依些連接詞或者介係詞的文法,這種文法的小訣竅要記得背起來!

(  ) We ran all the way to the train station, _____ to see that the train had left.

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(  ) Advertisements with famous people in them _____ teenagers greatly.

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(  ) The appeal of taboos and our inability to escape our longing for transgression are why so many people who call themselves honest and law-abiding spend so much time with movies, novels, songs, folk stories, and Shakespeare.

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今天的英文閱讀測驗一開頭就出現了 Zheng He,所以文章主題一定和 Zheng He鄭和有關,同學們可能一時不知道那是鄭和,不過句子說了,是一位中國著名的探險家,這樣就很好猜了吧!文章裡到處都是線索,掌握主題後,就可以輕鬆作答囉!

Zheng He is perhaps China’s most famous explorer. For

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(  ) Mr. Smith: Are you lost?

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David Livingstone was a Scottish explorer who came from a very

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(  ) On Valentine’s Day, John gave a present _____.

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(  ) A police officer came to _____ the students about the dangers of drinking and driving.

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(  ) If we are prone to burst into tears after only a few harsh words about our character or achievements, it may be because the approval of others forms an essential part of our capacity to believe that we are right.

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文章第一句就把主題說出來囉!Antarctic(南極)、popular place(受歡迎的地方)、vacation(假期),這樣知道題目是什麼了吧!外國人寫文章愛用破題法,先知道題目之後,閱讀測驗就沒那麼困難了,同學平常練習時就要先找出主題,才可以事半功倍喔!

The Antarctic is becoming a popular place for a vacation.

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(  ) Lydia: You are such a wonderful cook. I can never resist the chocolate pie you make.

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John suffers from depression .He doesn’t know what causes his

depression. __1__, he doesn’t know what to do about it. Movies,

__2__, and other fun things don’t seem to affect the way he feels.

For a long time, John didn’t know that he was depressed. He just


thought that he was a naturally __3__ person. When he told his doctor

about it, he found out that he had many of the __4__ of depression.

He usually lacked energy, he sometimes stayed in bed for whole days

at a time, and he often didn’t feel like eating.

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(  ) _____ is one the best cures for illness.

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(  ) When you are riding your motorcycle, you should wear a helmet for your own _____.

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(  ) People often poke fun at progress, possibly because technology often presents new problems as it attempts to solve old ones.

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Change is welcome. How often have you said, “When my life

gets back to normal…” not realizing that life can never get back to

any place or time?

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(  ) A : I’m sorry. It is me who broke Mrs. Wu’s window.

B : What?My goodness!You are in big trouble. _____

A : I will be more careful next time.

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A proper visit of the city of Assisi needs at least three days. In this

way you will not rush past the sights, but will admire them in their

most hidden details. Almost any period of the year is good for a

holiday, but in the summer months there is often __1__ a big crowd of


visitors that one could __2__ feeling annoyed by it. Therefore, it is

suggested that tourists make use of the winter months and especially

during the working days __3__ it is more likely to be bathed in the

quiet dignity on the __4__ streets. But it is also true that these months

lack religious, cultural and folk events, the most important of these


being dated between March and October.

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(  ) _____, he accepted my application.

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(  ) A sign in the elevator said that its _____ was 800 kilograms.

(A) immensity  (B) ability  (C) capacity  (D) necessity


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