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The monks were called up to indoctrinate the people, ______ on the ultimate goals of life but on the political aims of the new overnment. 1-more than 2-as much as 3-not so much 4-on the one hand


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examcshop 發表在 痞客邦 留言(0) 人氣()

Teacher: How is it you are late again?Student: ______ Teacher: It seems you can always find a good excuse. 1-I won’t miss your class for anything. 2-We don’t have any class in the morning. 3-I need to figure out an excuse for it. 4-I overslept because the alarm clock didn’t go off.


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examcshop 發表在 痞客邦 留言(0) 人氣()

My watch ______ 11:00, and how’s yours? 1-tells 2-says 3-speaks 4-talks


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The doctor told him to ______ smoking and drinking.

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This is very important. Please________ what I am going to announce.

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下列哪一組辭義相近? 1.「甕牖繩樞」、「家徒四壁」 2.「俛首包羞」、「問心無愧」 3.「披肝瀝膽」、「爾虞我詐」 4.「謙卑自牧」、「師心自用」。


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[法學緒論每日一題] 7.大法官會議釋字第五六三號解釋,將大學自行規範之退學標準認定為何種事項?


examcshop 發表在 痞客邦 留言(0) 人氣()

When he _______ the court order, he was quickly jailed.

1-hit 2-sanctioned 3-banned 4-violated

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examcshop 發表在 痞客邦 留言(0) 人氣()

The smell of that food _______ a fond memory of my childhood.

1-triggered 2-revenged 3-yelled 4-inquired

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