( ) Just as railroads and telegraphs in the mid-19th century made copyright and patent theft commercially important, so the Internet and associated information technologies redefined the market for inventions.
(A) The Internet and associated information technologies have become a new arena for copyright and patent theft.
(B) The copyright and patent theft became familiar because the railroads and telegraphs made the shift.
(C) Thanks to the network technology, the market for inventions grows.
(D) The Internet, like railroads in the mid-19th century, plays an important role in transmitting new technologies.
Step 1:瀏覽句意,找出主結構:“Just as railroads and telegraphs in the mid-19th century made copyright and patent theft commercially important” (正如19世紀中葉的鐵路和電報,使得著作權及專利權的竊取在商業上變得很重要)。
copyright n. 版權 adj. (有)版權的 v. 取得版權 (often)
Breach of copyright will be heavily fined.
This novel is copyrighted in Wesley's name.
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