今天的英文克漏字其實很有意思喔,講了一堆西洋的小迷信(?)為甚麼I’ll keep my fingers crossed for you是代表祝福的意思呢?考生不妨放輕鬆,仔細看看這次的克漏字考題喔!先試著練習做答看看,不清楚的地方再來看英銘老師的解析內容喔!
What will you say to someone who just sneezed? Do you know
what it means to say “I’ll keep my fingers crossed for you”? Why is
Friday the 13th __1__ bad luck? Why do people avoid walking under a
ladder? And __2__ you happen to break a mirror? These beliefs and
customs are usually called superstitions – beliefs which are not based
on reason or scientific knowledge __3__ magic and tradition. Yet they
actually have some basis in history and religion, and can tell us much
about Western culture. People believe in superstition partly because
they wish to have good luck, and others take it as insurance __4__
misfortune. If you have some basic understanding about these
superstitious ideas, you will not wonder why people say “touch
wood” when they mention their future plans.
( ) 1. (A) associated with (B) combined with
(C) attributed to (D) referred to
( ) 2. (A) why (B) what if (C) how about (D) when
( ) 3. (A) if (B) without (C) or (D) but
( ) 4. (A) about (B) against (C) for (D) with
詳細解析 請參考 國考專門店 英銘國考英文周刊-No.82-克漏字篇
請至國考福利社 臉書或噗浪或Google+page參與討論