閱讀測驗是很多考生畏懼的英文題型之一,其實閱讀測驗的解題並不難,因為外國人寫文章都愛用破題法,只要看第一段即可知道文章大概在講什麼內容。此篇文章的第一段中,有提到“gene therapy” (基因療法),所以文章一定跟基因療法有關。只要耐心看完整篇文章,從文章中找線索,多讀、多練習,一定可以提升閱讀能力!
Gene therapy may be in its infancy, but great hopes for its
potential to treat everything from cancer to Alzheimer’s to heart
disease are forcing it to grow up fast. After two decades of lab
research, gene treatments are increasingly making their way into
human clinical trials. The bulk of research so far has focused on
getting a gene to its destination and coaxing it to turn on once inside
a cell. On their own, genes can’t pass through cell membranes, and
much effort has been spent to trick cells into accepting foreign
genes. The most efficient couriers are so-called viral vectors: viruses
whose genomes have been swapped out for therapeutic genes. Like
Trojan horses, they slip genes into target cells undetected. But as
scientists are learning, there is no safe way to hijack a virus. The
vectors sometimes trigger immune reactions. And once the genes
are inside a cell, there is no way to be sure they will function as
intended. Case in point: a Paris gene therapy trial to treat SCIDs, or
the “bubble boy disease,” restored immune function in nine of 10
patients. But it was later revealed that two of them had developed
( ) 1. What is the main idea of the passage?
(A) After two decades of lab research, gene therapy in humans has been successful in treating everything from cancer to Alzheimer’s to heart disease.
(B) A lot of research in gene therapy has focused on getting a gene to its destination and coaxing it to turn on once inside a cell.
(C) Although research has been done on how gene therapy can help treat serious diseases, such a treatment may cause irreversible side effects and unknown consequences.
(D) Viral vectors like Trojan horses slip genes into target cells undetected.
( ) 2. “Viral vectors” are _____.
(A) ways with which viruses genomes are changed
(B) viruses used for carrying genetic material into cells
(C) the paths through which viruses move
(D) immune reactions triggered by viral infection
( ) 3. According to the passage, which of the following statements is NOT correct?
(A) Genes are unable to move across cell membranes on their own.
(B) Gene therapy is still in its early stages.
(C) Scientists have made significant progress in taking control of viruses that carry therapeutic genes.
(D) Much effort in gene therapy has been spent to deceive cells into accepting foreign genes.
( ) 4. “Leukemia” is a kind of _____.
(A) cell (B) virus (C) disease (D) horse
英銘老師:閱讀測驗是很多考生畏懼的英文題型之一,其實閱題測驗的的解題並不難,因為外國人寫文章都愛用破題法,只要看第一段即可知道文章大概在講什麼內容。例如在此篇文章的第一段中,有提到“gene therapy” (基因療法),所以文章一定跟基因療法有關。
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