How to live longer is a topic that has fascinated mankind for
centuries. According to a landmark study of nearly 7,000 adults in the
United States, women can add up to seven years to their lives and
men eleven to twelve years by following seven simple health
practices: (1) Don’t smoke. (2) If you drink, do so only __1__. (3) Eat
breakfast regularly. (4) Don’t eat between meals. (5) Maintain
normal weight. (6) Sleep about eight hours a night. (7) Exercise
Cutting calories may be __2__ most significant life-style change
you can make. Experiments have shown that in laboratory animals, a
40 percent calorie reduction leads to a 50 percent __3__ in longevity.
“Eating less has a more profound effect __4__ the aging process
than does any other life-style change,” says a professor at the
University of Texas Health Science Center. “It is the only factor we
know of in laboratory animals that is an anti-aging factor.”
( ) 1. (A) extremely (B) frequently (C) habitually (D) moderately
( ) 2. (A) one another (B) one of the (C) the other (D) the single
( ) 3. (A) admission (B) deduction (C) extension (D) production
( ) 4. (A) at (B) on (C) in (D) for
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