The tailor cut the cloth with a ______. 1-set of TV 2-pair of trousers 3-pair of scissors 4-slice of bread
The tailor cut the cloth with a ______. 1-set of TV 2-pair of trousers 3-pair of scissors 4-slice of bread
甲之交往多年女友遭乙追走,甲極為憤怒,但又沒膽去教訓乙出氣,於是甲決定藉酒壯膽。某日,甲把自己灌醉之後,前往乙之住處,適逢乙正要回家,甲在意識不清的狀態下,將情敵乙毆傷出氣。依據民國九十五年七月一日施行的修正刑法,對甲該如何處斷? A 甲行為時因精神障礙或其他心智缺陷,致不能辨識其行為違法或欠缺依其辨識而行為之能力,故不罰 B 甲行為時因精神障礙或其他心智缺陷,致其辨識行為違法或依其辨識而行為之能力,顯著減低,得減輕其刑 C 甲仍舊構成傷害罪 D 甲是基於義憤而傷人,應減輕其刑
Did he help build ______ new house? 1-his son’s-in-law 2-his son’s-in-law’s 3-his son-in-law’s 4-his son-in-law
______ regard to the pollution factors, the industrial park planning committee has set up strict standards to monitor them.
1-Against 2-With 3-For 4-To 【95警察三等】
Susan managed to stay fit ____ taking exercise in the gym five days a week.
1-with 2-for 3-at 4-by 【95警察四等】